So, no major new news today so I thought I'd just drop a few lines to let everyone know what's going on.
Most important, M is doing great. Honestly, that kid has a great life whether child of divorce or not. After a week at the beach in SC with my family, she's headed to the beach on Eastern Long Island with her mother today for the long weekend. I won't see her until next Wednesday morning :( but she's going to have fun so I'm happy for her. As soon as she gets to my place Wed, we're hopping on a plane to Disney World for 4 days! She's SO excited to meet Cinderella and all the princesses. We're staying in a hotel on Disney so we don't have to drive and can just catch the shuttles everywhere. Very exciting! She has two more beach vacations coming up this summer as well as a trip to see my family. We're also planning on a trip to Sesame Place (the Sesame Street theme park in PA) later in the summer. It's good to be my M!
M and I are moving in a couple weeks. Only two blocks away so no huge change. Same neighborhood, playground, friends, etc. The big change is that little one gets her own large bedroom and bathroom!!! She's very excited. Her current room is the converted dining room in our one bedroom apt. Decent size for a baby but not big enough for a "big girl." She helped Daddy pick out the design of the room...pink walls, white furniture, yellow floral comforter, fairy princess bathroom, etc. I'm going to be painting and moving a few things this weekend while she's with her mother.
RN and I are doing GREAT! I'm really excited about her. Luckily, after returning a text from CP earlier in the week, I haven't heard back, so it looks like that one is dead. Not that my mind wasn't already made up but I hate to have to make those kinds of choices since I generally don't trust my own judgement. Anyhow, RN and I talk at least once a day and text throughout the day. We're getting together tonight and then again Sunday evening and Monday all day. She works this weekend which is good. Gives me time to do apt stuff. Getting the stomach butterflies with this one...she's super expressive, a total cutie pie, and always seems positive and in a good mood. Monday we're going to the beach for the day. Agreeing with everyone who's left comments, this one may be a keeper :)
Ex has been especially agreeable lately. Maybe she's sick :) Seriously, no issues on a couple months and even some financial relief. Hopefully we're past the ugly part of the divorce and can just get on with co-parenting and our separate lives.
Work is...work. Work to live not live to work I say.
That's all I've got peoples. Enjoy the 4th and if you're watching the fireworks in NYC, look for me and RN in the crowd. We'll be watching.
Sounds like you have a ton of great stuff going on! Have a great weekend!!!
:) ahhh how fun!
Be ready to wait in lines at Disney. We were there for over 8 hours... we only went on like 5 rides, and seen Minnie/mickey/tink! BUT it was so worth it! Loved watching Aidyns face! :))
How exciting about RN! Fireworks at the fireworks? Very good!
Have a good move!
Hey man, email me. Serene0415@yahoo.com about Disney.
Have you ever taken her. It is awesome, we tak the kids every year.
Im glad the Rn is going well.
Have a great 4th
Happy Fourth, Daddy !
So awesome about RN! I had some catching up to do!
It sounds like little miss M is having one helluva summer!
Enjoy your weekend. Sounds like you'll be smiling a lot. :)
this is awesome...enjoy the fireworks! ;)
I'm so happy for you..not only because I am an RN but because I know that NY RN are the shit! you deserve the best!! Props to my fellow RN
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