Happy to report that after dreading Christmas without my little girl, the last three days have not been that bad. Spent a lot of time with friends, saw a movie (Avatar: pretty good. Cool graphics) and went to a great Christmas party this afternoon.
Cool thing is, I didn't feel lonely and while I missed my little one, the three days were fine. Talked to her a couple times a day. She was SO excited to have had Santa come and is excited to have him come again to Daddy's House.
There is an upside to divorce...TWO CHRISTMAS'S!!!
So she's back with me tomorrow at noon until Monday night. We're going to open presents, build a gingerbread house, and play with our new toys! I'm excited.
I think the key is, don't try to do it alone. Enjoy the off time with friends and family and know that the little one will be back, even if it's not the actual day. Thanks for the encouragement and well wishes everyone. Enjoy the weekend!!!
The 2 Christmas thing is one of the worst things, in my opinion, about divorce. Their dad over-compensates anyways and I always end up getting them more than they need, so they end up with mountains of toys. I don't think they appreciate what they do have as much. But what are we supposed to do, right? It comes with the territory. Glad you had a good Christmas!
ha! My daughter said that to me today..that their is an upside too divorce!! The double holidays!! Glad it was better then expected!
Love your blog I think I must follow, I am a newbie from Kims, anyway it sucked me right in! I am not single right now, but can relate. You sound like a great dad. It sounds like your both lucky to have each other. Merry Christmas
My Christmas away from my son was better than I expected too. This is my 4th Christmas without him and I think it was better because I'm more used to it, because he's older, and because I had some strategies I put into place. I wrote about them on my blog.
I really enjoy your posts -- touching and well written. I hope it's ok that I've added you to my blog roll.
Glad to hear that you made it through relatively unscathed. Same goes here. The keeping busy strategy totally worked for me.
Have a great NYE!!
So glad that you didn't isolate yourself with sadness.
*cough*not that I ever do that*cough*
Hooray! I'm happy that it was a fun few days for you. Enjoy your little girl!
Told you that if you make the best of it things will come out good. Enjoy the time and make it quality time and not quanity time
Hugs BCD. You done good. :)
I am jealous that you got to see Avatar! I hear it is great.
Glad you time alone went well!
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