First, I'd like to apologize to everyone who had trouble with my blog yesterday. I'm still tinkering with the format so it was up and down at times. I picked my host, blogspot, for the only reason that it came up first when I did my search. Being totally inexperienced at this, it seemed good enough to me so I went with it. Little did I know that some of you (QT ???) think b-spot SUX! Alas, unless any major issues come up, I'm here to stay. I hope you can endure the truly painful experience of dealing with my format. :-)
On to the business of the day. Since this blog is about my experience as a single daddy with Miss M, I thought it would be good to give you a sample of our every day conversations (both with and about Miss M) so that you can get a good idea of her amazingly HUGE personality:
#1: Daddy with one of Miss M's daycare teachers on during my 1st pick up:
BCD: "Hi, I'm ****. I'm here to pick up my daughter."
Cutie Teacher: "Nice to meet you. Which one is yours?"
BCD: " *****. I think she's wearing a pink dress today" (is there any other kind?)
Cutie Teacher: "Oh! The crazy one! We LOVE her! Boy does she make class fun!"
I'm in for a lot of parent teacher conferences....
#2: Nicknames - I have many nicknames for Miss M. She's apparently partial to some:
BCD: "Come on Sweet Pea, it's time to go to school."
Miss M (picture furrowed brow, very serious face): "Daddy, I not Sweet Pea. I Boo Boo Head!"
Well, excuse me.
#3 Middle of the Night Negotiation - Miss M frequently shows up at my bedside in the middle of the night wanting to crawl in. I usually acquiesce being too lazy to go through the late night negotiation. This night, however, was right after her birthday and took some special thinking on her part...
Miss M (bedside with Doggie after softly stroking Daddy's hair until he wakes up): "Happy birthday Daddy! I Love You."
Think she got in my bed that night? Enough said, right?
#4: Dinner Menu - It's always an adventure
BCD: "Boo Boo, do you want hot dogs and ketchup for dinner?" (her favorite)
Miss M: "Nooooo"
BCD: "Do you want dinosour chicken?" (Perdue baked breaded dinosour shapes, awesome.)
Miss M: "Nooooo"
BCD: "Do you want hamburgers and green beans?"
Miss M: "Nooooo"
BCD (running out of quick options): "Well baby, what do you want for dinner?"
Miss M: "I want OCTOPUS!"
We had just been to the NY Acquarium the weekend before...
#5: I LOVE THIS ONE - On her birthday
BCD: "Boo Boo, how old are you today?"
Miss M (picture chubby little fingers doing their best): "I tree! How old Daddy?"
BCD: "How old do you think Daddy is?"
Miss M (pensive): "Hmmmm....Daddy five! How old Mommy?"
BCD (holding back a multitude of smarmy thoughts): "How old do you think Mommy is?"
Miss M (furrowed brow, then hugely excited): "Mmmmmm....Mommy OLD!!!"
I love her :)