So, after being gifted with the Beautiful Blogger Award by Scott at This Daddy's Blog, I revealed seven things about myself that you all didn't know. The next step is to bestow this award to some of our cyber friends. Here are a few newer ones I've stumbled on that I really like:

- Brittney at Unexpected Surprises - She amazes me as a young 20's single Mommy doing this whole thing by herself. Her ability to stay true to her ideals and trust in God I find incredibly inspiring.
- Swati at The Single Mother Chronicles - Incredibly insightful, smart, and always positive, she always gives me something to think about and includes touching stories about her little girl.
- That One Mom at Only Parent Chronicles - She is a widowed mother of two who has some really funny and touching things to say. If you haven't read it, her post 100 Random Questions Answered By Me... do, it is really great.
- The Divorced Guy at The Diary of a Divorced Guy - Dude, all I can say is I totally relate
- That Darn Girl at, well, That Darn Girl - A witty, smart, and definitely sexy nurse who also gives us the occasional boob shot. THANK YOU.
- Sarah at That's What She Said! - She's a worker at a juvenile detention center in the Midwest. Proof that not all of us are in it for the buck.
- The Girl Next Door at Next Door 2 My Ex - Because, just from the title she deserves an award!!! You've GOT to be kidding!
- Lauren at My Life, Incomplete - She's a leader in the Single Parent CyberWorld who provides great advice and support for us all.
- MaddisMomma at Little Miss Maddie Moo - Moo is a such a cutie pie! Right in the middle of the custody/visitation battle (still), MaddisMomma really reminds me of how hard that process was and how to handle it with grace.
- Mon at Holistic Mama - She does it the natural way. For a guy living in the Big City, I find that completely fascinating.
So, new awardees, if you choose to accept this, the typical way is to post the above award in your blog, tell us seven things about yourself we don't know, and then bestow this award on 10 new blogs you've stumbled across that you find interesting and worthy of such an honor, and inform them!
Best of luck!
Aww shucks! Thanks so much for the award!! I so appreciate your compliments too - it's always good to know know that someone is listening out there in the blogosphere :-).
I am off to check out the rest of the beautiful blogs too.
Have a great rest of the week!
ps I love your blog too
An occasional boob shot, you need to tell this to the gang at Hot Dads. :)
Yay for new bloggers ! I will start reading their blogs.
:) Awww I am completely flattered. I'm thankful that some people can even stand my every day sort of posts, let alone get awards for it!
Saw you on Brittany's blog! Congrats on the! Being a parent is the most amazing thing in the world!:) I can tell by reading your profile info that your an awesome dad;) Big Kudos...:) Enjoy the day!
Congrats on your award! I came over from Brittany's blog.
Great list, I love many of these, but plan to check out the rest :)
Congrats to the bloggers! I'm going to have to check them out. And congrats to you, too!
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